Executando verificação de segurança...

Boa parte da lógica está dentro de um arquivo em daily-word.github.io/assets /index-DH3ht5qj.js. Uma mensagem importante foi deixada o código na linha 17 8-).


Após remover o comentário e aplicar um beautifier, não fica muito evidente o que essa porção do código realiza.

Extrato da linha 17:
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the *
     LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.*
     var Wf = Rt,
         Qf = Symbol.for("react.element"),
         Kf = Symbol.for("react.fragment"),
         Xf = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
         qf = Wf.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ReactCurrentOwner,
         Jf = {
             key: !0,
             ref: !0,
             __self: !0,
             __source: !0

 function ea(e, t, n) {
     var r, l = {},
         o = null,
         i = null;
     n !== void 0 && (o = "" + n), t.key !== void 0 && (o = "" + t.key), t.ref !== void 0 && (i = t.ref);
     for (r in t) Xf.call(t, r) && !Jf.hasOwnProperty(r) && (l[r] = t[r]);
     if (e && e.defaultProps)
         for (r in t = e.defaultProps, t) l[r] === void 0 && (l[r] = t[r]);
     return {
         $$typeof: Qf,
         type: e,
         key: o,
         ref: i,
         props: l,
         _owner: qf.current
 El.Fragment = Kf;
 El.jsx = ea;
 El.jsxs = ea;
 Ws.exports = El;
 var I = Ws.exports,
     ta = {
         exports: {}
     Ce = {},
     na = {
         exports: {}
     ra = {};
 / ** *
 @license React *
     scheduler.production.min.js *
     Copyright(c) Facebook, Inc.and its affiliates.
Hoje sua API está no ar com uma nova palavra! "DUE"

Endpoint: https://daily-word.ddns.net/today
Request : 20241104T135233Z

    "_id": "672393b4aadcad58ec261c2f",
    "word": "due",
    "meanings": [{
        "meaning": "Required to be paid or done at a particular time",
        "example": "The rent is due on the first of the month."
    }, {
        "meaning": "Expected to be completed or delivered at a particular time",
        "example": "The project is due next week."
    }, {
        "meaning": "Scheduled or expected to happen",
        "example": "He was due to arrive at 6 pm, but he was late."
    }, {
        "meaning": "Expected to be born",
        "example": "Her baby is due in March."
    }, {
        "meaning": "Expected to occur or arrive",
        "example": "The storm is due to hit the coast tonight."
    "createdAt": "2024-10-31T14:27:00.65",
    "deletedAt": null,
    "wordOfTheDayAt": "2024-11-04"
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