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Fiz Um Scriptzinho Pra Me Ajudar A Escrever Commits Com Emojis

Então, acho que vocês já devem conhecer o Conventional Commits, é o tipo de coisa que você não da muita bola no começo, mas te ajuda a ser melhor descritivo nas mensagens dos commits.

Em vista disso, criaram uma ferramenta usando com Javascript que te ajuda escrever esses commits bonithinhos com mais facilidade, o cz-cli. Pro pessoal mais fresco, como eu, também têm o cz-emoji que troca o tipo das mensagens por emojis -- por exemplo, escrever "✨ Criada a rota que retorna a lista de usuários em HTML" ao invés de "feat: Criada a rota que retorna a lista de usuários em HTML"

E eu gosto de emojis nos meus commits, mas eu não gosto de depender do Node pra isso, seilá... Não me parece muito certo. Então eu decidi criar o meu próprio script que faça isso. Talvez essa parada também seja útil pra vocês também. Pra mais informações detalhadas, da uma conferida no README do projeto.

Vô tentar mostrar o log de um projeto recente aqui com git log --format="%s" | sed 's/^\(.*\)$/+ *\1*/' | xclip:

  • 🚧 wip (mock): now creating the base connection at main and other stuff in a different function
  • 🚧 wip (mock): now the insert_new_user function uses a connection object instead of arguments
  • 🗃️ db: added a primary key to the relationship talbe, now it should have unique pairs
  • ♻️ refactoring (mock): the insert_dummy.py script now warns the user if the username already was added
  • ♻️ refactoring: using private controller methods inside the router package
  • ♻️ refactoring: moving the InitRouter function to the router package too
  • ♻️ refactoring: moved the router controller functions to its own package
  • ♻️ refactoring: created a separated function to search for the user then return an HTML string
  • ✨ feature: added a .env.example file to help contributors
  • 🐳 docker (fix): using the 'db' hostname instead of the network name...
  • 🚑 quickfix (docker): copying all files to the app container, the other way the build failed
  • 🐛 fix: now the code can connect to the database, the search route is working now
  • 📋 impl!: now expecting the environment variables present in the .env file
  • ✨ feature!: created a function to get environment variables but returns an error if empty
  • ♻️ refactoring!: now importing the environment variables from the .env file
  • ➕ dep-add!: github.com/joho/godotenv
  • ✨ feature!: now the /search/user is working just fine with the database connection
  • ➕ dep-add: added the postgres dependencies to this project
  • ✨ feature: created a database module that connect and saves it in a global connection var
  • 📱 iphone: created the /search/user route that only logs the query, db connection not done
  • ✨ feature (html): added the search for, with htxm get request already setted up
  • ✨ feature: now printing some logging messages to help duck debugging
  • ➕ dep-add: charmbracelet/log
  • ♻️ refactoring: created a router function to handle the routes, now the main is free for setup
  • ✨ feature: now the code checks for the PORT varialbe to start the server
  • ♻️ refactoring: moved the TemplatesRenderer to its own local package
  • 💄 ui: added the Index page and the base partial that it uses, that's my structure
  • ✨ feature!: added a TemplateRenderer struct to make the front-end stuff easier to handle
  • 🐳 docker: using custom profiles in docker-compose.yml, easier to choose which container run
  • 🐳 docker: now using the :8080 port inside containers, :8000 is used for local development
  • 🎨 style (mock): updated the import order on the insert_dummy.py script
  • ✨ feature (mock): created the insert_new_user function, it will help my development in the future
  • ➕ dep-add (mock): added psycopg2 library to connect to the postgres db server via the python script
  • ➕ dep-add (mock): added a requirements.txt file, because the bcrypt lib is not builtin to python...
  • 🐳 docker (fix): not ignoring the migrate.sql file, the db.Dockerfile depends on it
  • 🚧 wip (mock): now it also accepts command line options arguments to connect to a db server
  • 🚧 wip (mock): now the insert_dummy.py script can load the .env variables too
  • 🐳 docker (.dockerignore): now the images will copy only the necessary files to build the containers
  • 🐳 docker: added project's custom image to the docker-cmopose file, it rebuilds on changes
  • 🐳 docker: created a Dockerfile to build the project, it expects the .env PORT variable
  • 🙈 see-no-evil: removed the comment lines and added possible build file names to be ignored
  • ✨ feature: created simple http server to test the behavior of this docker setup
  • 🐳 docker: removed the profile lines, everything is running on a dev environment after all
  • 🐳 docker (db): updated the docker-compose.yml file to accept this new db.Dockerfile to build
  • 🐳 docker (db): now the db.Dockerfile will only copy the migrate.sql file to the container
  • ⚗️ experiment (db): trying to use a migrate.sql file to create the db table set
  • 🚚 mv (db): moved the postgres docker file to the root of the project as a .Dockerfile file
  • 🐳 docker (db): created the minimal setup to build a postgres development enviroment with pgadmin
  • 🚧 wip (mock): started the creation of a small python script to insert dummy users to the db
  • 🎉 init: license, readme & hello world in go
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