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Acho que seria mostrar mais a evolução das Inteligências Artificiais, e para saber algo específico (mesmo que simples) como "Como instalar uma lâmpada". Simplesmente receber a resposta como se tivesse perguntado a um amigo, é muito mais rápido e as vezes até mais fácil do que pesquisar na internet e ir atrás de vídeos e/ou sites.

Quando pergunto ao ChatGPT como instalar uma lâmpada

("how to install a lamp")

é dada a seguinte resposta:

"To install a lamp, you will need to follow these steps:
1. Gather the necessary tools and materials. You will need a screwdriver, wire stripper, wire connectors, and a lamp base.
2. Turn off the power to the circuit where you will be installing the lamp. This is important for your safety, as you don't want to be working with live electrical wires.
3. Locate the electrical box in the wall or ceiling where you want to install the lamp.
4. If the electrical box is covered by a wall plate, remove the plate and set it aside.
5. Attach the mounting bracket to the electrical box according to the manufacturer's instructions. This will typically involve screwing the bracket to the box using the provided screws.
6. Connect the wires from the lamp to the wires in the electrical box. Strip the ends of the wires using a wire stripper, then use wire connectors to join the wires together. Make sure the wires are securely connected and there are no bare wires exposed.
7. Attach the lamp base to the mounting bracket according to the manufacturer's instructions. This will typically involve screwing the base to the bracket using the provided screws.
8. Install the light bulb and any other lamp components, such as a shade or finial.
9. Turn the power back on and test the lamp to make sure it is working properly.

I hope this helps! If you have any questions or are unsure about any part of the process, it is always best to consult an electrician for assistance."

Ou seja, apesar da resposta ser "grande" ela é objetiva. Quando se usa o GPT para pesquisar, você não se depara com um monte de sites te recomendando outras coisas, mostrando outros tipos de conteúdo é uma pesquisa "clean", oq na minha opinião vai ser o futuro dos mecanismos de busca.

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