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Em resposta a treinar inglês

Alright, so I might as well show off my English skills to "prove a point" that I'm not talking out of my ass lol, but please don't take this as arrogance in my part or whatever, hopefully it doesn't come off that way

As far as reading and writing are concerned, you don't really depend on other people to practice with; you can find plenty of content on the web, you just have to get used to looking stuff up in English, set your browser and system locales to English (as well as your Google settings but Google doesn't respect those unless you use a VPN to fake your location I guess), and go read Wikipedia or something, I used to read that and game reviews all the time when I was a teenager and I learned a lot of "news article" English that way; go ahead and have a look at Hacker News, it's pretty much like this website here, but in English and with a way larger proportion of experienced developers discussing things, rather than the majority of beginners we seem to have here. Also, perhaps create a Twitter account where you only follow foreign people, for instance developers of technologies you like, or game developers. Twitter will recommend more of them for you.

To practice speaking, you do need other people, and to that end I'd recommend VRChat (it's FREE! As in beer!). You don't need a VR headset unlike what the name might imply. I use it to practice Japanese there in chat worlds made for that specific purpose, but English is the middle ground for pretty much everyone, especially when it comes to explaining, say, what a word might mean; but probably the majority of worlds are English-speaking. Just don't make the mistake people do in real life, and join the Brazilians' gang where you just speak Portuguese among each other and have limited interaction with people from other places (I've seen Chinese people do that too in my university lol). Expose yourself to the foreign people around you! You may not understand all of what they speak at first, but with persistence in reading and listening and getting input you will come to it eventually. And remember, there are many foreigners who are also learning English like you are, so you have something to relate about and get a sense of camaraderie with total strangers from across the world. That's another cool thing of practicing and speaking a common foreign language: you'll feel the encouragement and satisfaction of connecting on a personal level with people you wouldn't have otherwise been able to connect with.

Hopefully this helps and doesn't break any "Portuguese only here!" rule. Since we're talking about practicing English, might as well just do it here.

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