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OneSimpleAPI com APIs novas

A OneSimplesAPI está com novidades de APIs, e acho que pode ser interessante para quem usa APIs como serviço.

  • URL Shortener: Create long term or single-use short links, track clicks, have short links that only work after a certain date or that expire.
  • Web Page Status and Certificate information: Retrieve a page status information, including their status code and text, certificate details and expiration and even response headers.
  • Readability, Reading Time and Sentiment for Texts: Calculate readability scores, reading time estimates and sentiment scores with ease for all your texts.

Além das clássicas APIs deles:

  • Images optimization, resize and delivery: Resize, crop, optimize host and deliver any image with ease.
  • Purchase Power Parity (PPP) Discount Calculator:Offer fair prices all around the globe. Also included is the exchange rate for the customer's currency.
  • Spotify Profile: Obtain a Spotify Profile details, including their name, followers, popularity, picture, monthly listeners, biography, social media links, top songs, and top listeners locations.
  • Exchange Rate: Get currency conversion rates for more than 150 currencies.
  • Email Validation: Weed out throwaway addresses, invalid domains or free addresses.
  • Image Information: Retrieve an Image metadata: Camera Make, Model, Latitude and Longitude, Aperture, Exposure, Orientation, and more!
  • QR Codes generator: Generate perfect QR codes images or vectors. 100% customizable and effortless. Use it to promote an event, give a discount, or share a link.
  • Screenshots: Take website screenshots easy, fast, and with pixel-perfect quality!
  • PDF: Our PDF conversion API is the easiest way to create pdfs from HTML, with perfect quality. You don`t need to write complex code to create PDFs for your apps and projects.
  • Web Page information: Do you need all the SEO information of a Page? Title, description, meta tags, open graph, Twitter card? All here!
  • Expand Shortened URL: Want to retrieve the original URL for a shortened link? This API will retrieve it for you.

Tem conta gratuita com 100 requisições por mês.

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