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Hello devs, I'm Felipe Poter. Welcome to my profile!

A blond and white man with brown eyes, wearing a black suit with a black tie. And a gray arrow and written me also in gray.

About Me

Hello! My name is Felipe. I'm a Web Programmer, Game Dev and TabNewer.

My favorite publications! 😍

Arquitetura de Software e Estrura de Sistemas

O Principio YAGNI

O Principio KISS

Os Principios S.O.L.I.D

Um Pouco sobre C#

Faculdade ou Estudo Autodidata

Dicas que vão facilitar sua jornada aprendendo C#

🦄 Languages:

HTML Javascript CSS CSharp


Javascript CSharp


Github Git Vscode

My Github Stats

Github Trophies

My social networks


github contribution grid snake animation
Waves of blood.